Day sitting

Sometimes life throws a curved ball or our usual daily routine becomes disrupted leaving the need for someone to take care of our pets or companion animals just for a few hours. Perhaps you’d just like to take a long lunch with loved ones or have a relaxing shopping trip without the need to rush back.

After being asked many times if this was possible I have now set up a day pet care service designed to do just this. The day care service offers you a window of 8 hours during which your pets will be cared for within their normal routine and environment.

Generally starting at 9.00am I will remain at your home until 5.00pm carrying out all the tasks associated with your animals. This might be walking your dogs, mucking out your horses, feeding your pets or just providing a general reassuring presence both for you and them.

If you would like more information, then please contact me by clicking on the link here.

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